Deutsche Ausgabe
Nur noch wenige Exemplare der Originalauagabe.
Gewinner des ITB BookAward 2008 für den besten Reisebildband.
Was ist Glück? 56 Tage lang sucht ein junges Paar die Antwort. Sie befragen den New Yorker Taxianweiser, einen Frisör in Tokyo, die Straßenköchin in Bangkok. Menschen in aller Welt schenken diesem prägnanten Band erleuchtende Ansichten und Anekdoten. Und so zeigt dieses inspirierende Reisetagebuch in faszinierenden Momentaufnahmen aus San Francisco, Bali, Südindien oder Laos, wie man in den großen und kleinen Ereignissen des Alltags das Glück finden kann.
Please message me if you want your book signed.
In the noisy bustle of London’s West End, I have been looking for sanctuaries of quietness and contemplation. I found them in the back alleys and doorways of Chinatown.
At night, when the countless restaurants compete for tourists and theatregoers, throngs of visitors collide with Chinatown’s tight-knit ethnic community. By the time the restaurants open, some of the kitchen staff have already been working since early morning. Many of them are recent immigrants who speak little more than a few words of English. Some will have clocked more than 60 hours when the week is over.
Portraits of Larry Love (aka Rob Spragg) and The Very Reverend Dr. D. Wayne Love (aka Jake Black).
Founded in Brixton 1995, Alabama 3 achieved success when the producers of hit TV series The Sopranos chose the track "Woke Up This Morning" for the show's opening credits.