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London in lockdown

Awarded the German Photobook Award 2021/22 in Silver

Pause is a hardcover photobook with 90 of the photos I made during the first coronavirus lockdown in the spring of 2020. It was published in November 2020 and was made possible with the support of more than 400 backers of a crowd-funding campaign on Kickstarter. The first edition sold out in less than four weeks. A new, updated edition is now available to order.


Pause was awarded the German Photobook Award 2021/21 in Silver.

Signed prints of many of the images are also available.

  • Hardcover/dustjacket

  • 148 pages/90 photographs

  • 22.0 x 29.0cm

  • English

  • ISBN 978-1-5272-9019-8 

Buy the book

Praise for 'Pause'

“Hauntingly beautiful… a city in anticipation yet also in repose.”

– M. Y. P.

“A chance to see the city in a way few of us would have experienced before.”
– G. W.

“Everything about this book, from the typography, to the design,
the print and of course the photography is top drawer. Ever wondered what London looks like without people or cars? I recommend you get
a copy and find out.”
– R. L.

“It’s everything I knew it would be.”
– A. A.

“The book has the answer to what I wondered was happening during
the lockdown. It’s beautiful while sorrowful. 
– M. P.

“I have been unreasonably excited about its arrival and I certainly
wasn't disappointed. It’s truly glorious, and the narrative in places adds
so much. It’s a piece of living history, and so beautifully done. I expect
to show it to my grandchildren and for them to show theirs.”
– J. S.

“Your book captures the rhythm of the city. Thank you for making something so poignant out of this difficult time. I paused and breathed and browsed and felt all is good with the world!”
– B. T.

“I'm blown away by how many incredible photos you have included
and your commentary resonates with me so much.”
– F. R.

“I admit I half-expected the photographs to be spooky, but this is not
how they come across. In fact, I find them full of anticipation.”
– E. B.

“An absolute triumph. Bravo!”
– W. A.

“Danke, Danke, Danke für dieses wunderschöne Buch. Grosses Kino.”
– S. E.

“It's gorgeous!”
– K. E.

“A beautiful souvenir of a unique moment in history and a reminder
how – briefly – humanity came together to drag each other through the struggle.”
– A. G.

“Es ist wirklich ein tolles Buch geworden!”
– R. K.

“Du hast es mit der Auswahl der Bilder geschafft, eine ganz außergewöhnliche Atmosphäre zu erzeugen, die unheimlich fasziniert. ‘Pause’ ist ein Zeitdokument und Kunstbildband, der auch dann noch faszinieren wird, wenn man sich an die Pandemie gar nicht mehr richtig erinnern kann.”
– T. D.

“Gorgeous. It is truly an instant time capsule.”
– K. C.

“What a lovely experience after all the days at home, opening a package and getting that smell of a freshly printed book! I also LOVE the orange on the side. Fabulous work, Jan.”
– T. B.

“Congratulations on your project, lovely work. I just ordered three books.”
– A. W.

“I just wanted to say that I think the photos you've taken and the book production itself are both absolutely amazing. Such a beautiful way to capture such an uneasy year. It's hard to find a way to reflect on this year and show future generations what the time was like, but ‘Pause’ does it so well. You should be so proud of it.”
– R. T.

“Großartig! Die Fotos natürlich, aber auch die Liebe zum Detail, die überall sichtbar und spürbar wird: in den Materialien, der Verarbeitung, der Gestaltung der Seiten mit den genauen Angaben zu den Fotos, dem zusätzlichen Stadtplan… ein Fest!”
– C. B.

“As the title suggests, every page made me pause! You must be proud, it’s a beautifully curated publication and stunning body of work. I’ll enjoy perusing your book for years to come.”
– D. R.

“I absolutely love it. Beautiful work!”
– J. S.

“Noch nie habe ich die Schönheit und den Charme mancher Strassen so wahrgenommen. Man wird sonst ständig durch den Trubel und die Hektik abgelenkt. Aber auch das gehört zu London und dafür lieben wir es auch. Vielen Dank für das tolle Buch.”
– S. W.

“It looks fantastic! Bravo! Your book continues to bring great pleasure. Thank you for such a brilliant endeavour!”
– E. A.

“What a result! Brilliant work and such a beautiful book. Well done my friend!”
– H. S. 

“Thank you for the wonderful book. It’s truly amazing. Would have loved to see central London that empty. Thanks to your book I can now.”
– S. W.

“Love it! The sensation that people left the city but forgot to turn the lights out. It's the kind of book to look at again and again.”
– R. N.

“I was so inspired by your recent article in AP Magazine – and now the book – that I undertook a similar shoot. Thank you again for the inspiration.”
– N. P.

“The book is even better than I expected. Really, really great work!”
– S. R.

“Sehr, sehr schön. Danke und ein grosses Kompliment!”
– U. S.

“I loved it from the first look!!!”
– T. R.

“The books have arrived. They are terrific! Thank you very much, I am really excited.”
– A. S.

“I received my copy of ‘Pause’ today and I am so grateful! You have produced something truly beautiful and it’s such a fitting tribute to this unique time in our history. Thank you for following your inspiration and sharing the amazing fruits of it with us.”
– S. M.

“Absolut super! Herzlichen Glückwunsch und danke.“
– H. H.

“Welch faszinierende Bilder. Und die Knappen Texte, genau an der richtigen Stelle, die den Blick nochmals tiefer lenken. Ich muss dir sagen, es war wie eine Meditation. Einen neuen Blick einnehmen, dazu verführt dein Buch. Ich danke dir sehr für diese Erfahrungen! Ein Meisterwerk!”
– N. F.

“Brilliant idea, beautifully executed.”
– D. S.

“Es ist wunderbar geworden. Die Texte dazu haben mich auch sehr berührt.”
– C. C.

“A beautiful and thought-provoking record of a profound moment in time.”
– J. H.

“The book is amazing – beautifully designed and the orange edging is such a treat! Not only are the photographs wonderful to look at, but they’ve captured scenes of London that nobody will ever have seen. For me there’s something very unnerving about them, but in such an incredible way.”
– A. P.

“Wunderschön und gespenstisch zugleich.”
– C. R.

“It’s really lovely. Quite a triumph. Well done!”
– R. R.

“Pause arrived in Genoa. Very beautiful!”
– L. M.

“Tolles Buch mit beeindruckenden Bildern. Du hast die (hoffentlich) einmalige Situation genial eingefangen.”
– H. H.

“Tolle Qualität und Layout, toller Druck – deine Bilder sind überragend. Ich finde das Buch wirkt auch als Metapher über London hinaus. Das richtige Projekt zur richtigen Zeit!”
– P. A.

“Es ist sooooo schön!”
– Y. P.

“Wir sind begeistert! Ich hab schon lange nicht mehr so ein schönes Buch in der Hand gehalten!”
– K. H.

“It really is a beautiful piece of work! The book is really well done, and the photos are stunning anyway – but somehow as a piece greater than the sum of its parts. I love it. A huge well done!”
– T. B.

“I couldn’t wait to open it. It’s so beautiful.”
– S. F.

“Es ist so toll geworden! Ich weiß ja schon lange, dass Du ein super Photograph bist, aber diese Stimmung so einzufangen und festzuhalten, ist grandios. Die Bilder sind großartig und so als Buch auch toll. Auch wie Du die Gestaltung gemacht hast, ist wunderschön. Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch nochmal zu diesem Projekt! Ich habe sehr viel Freue mit dem Endergebnis.”
– Y. W.

“I absolutely love it.”
– R. S.

“Beautiful – a fantastic achievement.”
– K. S.

“It’s an awesome book. Well done for getting it published!”
– D. H.

“Ein rund um toll gestaltetes Buch, von der Dramaturgie der Bilderfolge, der Farb- und Typografiegestaltung, alles sensibel und gekonnt, man sieht da einen Profi am machen!”
– A. W.

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© Jan Enkelmann. All rights reserved.

Jan Enkelmann is a London-based documentary, travel and street photographer. Recent projects include Serious Conviction, To the Races and Smoking Chefs.

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